How this List List is scored

First, let me say that I believe  that feedback is important and I  do not assume that all of the negative feedback I  come across is wrong.  Personally, I rely on feedback heavily when I am getting  readings from  advisors on Keen . As a result I have almost always been satisfied  with the readings I’ve had.

This list should benefit both advisor and callers.  The benefit for advisors is self explanatory while callers may want to objectively consider how clear headed and reliable a bashed review is.  You can be certain that a 4 or 5 “B” caller is not giving the most objective reviews, regardless of how articulate they may be.

The 4+5 B basher dreams in bash.   They live for the refunds that will allow them to  feed their compulsive urge to serial bash.  They thrive off the control they have to damage businesses.

In actuality they feel powerless to control their addictions are blaming the advisors for their feeling weak.     They often hold off  leaving feedback until they have had all of their slew of  “follow up” (unrelated to the original reading) questions answered.  When blocked they often leave feedback such as “I was blocked for no reason” .  And they believe it!   Remarkably , many tend to think their calls have been refused by new advisors because there is a conspiracy against them.

Good news though!   Keen has closed the feedback  gap to 2 weeks and and advisors are no longer held in captivity for 2 months.  Keen is also nailing and starting to penalize the follow up abusers. It’s getting tougher for callers to bash because an advisor does not want to answer unreasonable follow up questions.

Please be sure to let Keen know if someone you have blocked is contacting you under a different name.  Keen does not support this  stalking.  It is against their rules



BBBBB  –  No hope.  They call psychics and call a lot  for the fun of bashing.    These narcissists  whine when you block them for “no good reason”  They dream in bash.They look forward to bashing.  They  prey on all advisors but in  particularly enjoy bashing the unsuspecting  newcomer advisors  whose livelihood can be destroyed in a flash.  They cannot be helped.   Be sure to report them to Keen if they are extorting you, or if they’ve saved up their feedback to  multi bash several calls. The new Keen has been taking action. Now that they cannot leave feedback for a 1 minute call, there are far less of these types.

BBBB-  An overwhelming percentage of their feedback are bashes regardless of the  amount of reviews left.   For example, if someone has left 5 reviews, and 3 of those are bashes, they are on this list because it shows a pattern that should be nipped in the bud.  These types often get a short reading, then message you to  extort ” clarifications”. They want you to know that they have control of you. They might even demand minutes.   Boy oh Boy the once 2 month feedback window was heaven on earth to these predators.  It does not matter how much you feed their dark souls, they rarely leave nice feedback. You will get bashed anyway, so you might as well refuse their follow up questions , immediately and forward their demands for follow up to Keen.  Now that they cannot leave feedback for a 1 minute call, there are far less of these types.

Alternately , there is the “sophisticated”  BBBB  basher whose call lengths are average, and who may or may  not extort email clarifications or  minutes. They too love the newcomer advisor whose livelihood can be destroyed with a few nasty words.   These type fool themselves into believing they are healers and are serving the Keen community with their “deep”  insights .  They tend to leave a rare positive feedback in an attempt to convince themselves and their audience that their insights are coming from a place of integrity.

They are similar to  the other  predators  we meet in life who love the feeling that comes with the power to control others.  Most ironic is that these are the ones who are most likely to blame advisors for their lack of control and shame they have towards their psychic addiction.    They cannot be helped because they do not want to be.

BBB – Many of the same features as the BBBB, except they are capable of showing some appreciation.

BB   These are bashers that appear to be about to take flight in their bashing careers, so worthy of nipping them in the bud.

B    There is something noteworthy about this caller.  They may  have not left a lot of negative feedback but what they have left  may be viscous.  Also, those that insist upon pushing for a lot of information in short bursts of time, or pay in 1-2  minute increments are included here.

***  See separate posts on short callers and frequent 4 star reviews  ***

Note to Advisors –  Please feel free to share names  and their aliases to add to this list. If I can confirm you results I will add name to list. Also, if you feel rating is inaccurate , drop me a line and I will research.  

Note to people on this list –  If you feel your rating on this list is inaccurate or out of date ,  please  send me a ( confidential )  note with the name.   I will research and if applicable change the rating.