Why are 4s on this list?
Some advisors feel that getting a 4 star review is harmful to their businesses. You may not agree , but this list has been primary created for all advisors, inclusive of those who would like to avoid habitual 4 starers and 2 minute callers. Keen callers who wish to avoid unreliable reviewers benefit from this list as well.
For the most part I have tallied the Bs score of the 4 starers in 2 basic ways.
The first is around the percentage of 4s they have left. For example if someone has left 50% 4s it will be noted. Depending how many reviews they have left, the rating may go higher or lower. 20 reviews with 10 being 4 and the remainder being 5, will be a judgement call and likely rated B-BB with a annotation of “4 or less”
The second way that the ratings are tallied is by the percentages of ratings that are 4 and below. 20 reviews where 5 are a 4, 3 are a 2 and 2 are a 1 will be rated somewhere closer to a BBB- BBBB, depending on the comments.
Basically, the B rating will represent the callers percentage of leaving 4s , their comments, and includes their percentages of 3 and lower.
User 123456 BB-BBB 50% 4s or less. In this case I had found 10 reviews. 6 are 4’s , and the rest are 5s.
or User 7891011 BBB-BBBB 50% 4’s or less. In this case I have found 10 reviews. 6 are 4’s , and 2 are a 1 and the other 2 are a 2
or User abcde BBBB 75% of 20 calls are 4. 2 are a 5 and 3 are are 3 or less.
Basically, the B rating will represent the callers percentage of leaving 4s , their comments, and includes their percentages of 3s and lower.